
Tuesday, March 30, 2021

DEA SWAT strike force. Raids Nursing Home. Confiscates Okra. We’re safe, now.

A DEA agent somberly testifies against medical marijuana in Utah. 



Danger of stoned wildlife is VERY SERIOUS & real, he advises. 

Rabbits may "develop a taste" for the plants, and lose fear of humans. Rabbits will opt to be stoned & violent, he suggests, gravely. 

Hero-Agent assures legislature that he deals in FACTS and SCIENCE. 

*** He is on the same DEA Eradication Team that stormed (with military gear/ SWAT-stomp) an old folks GA retirees home recently, mistakenly seizing okra plants

“Honeybuns -...who are those armed soldiers-men in our nursing home rec-room? ...”

They are screaming & pointing guns! 

They pushed Merle & Sidney up against the wall!! 

They are demanding we give them our OKRA !...”

Credit for OKRA EMOJIS 

"give up the OKRA!” orders DEA hero!


1 comment: said...

Why do they want our okra, Mildred?