
Sunday, May 8, 2022


We saw it coming

The Constitution doesn’t mention abortion? Alito? Really? 

The Constitution doesn’t mention abortion. Neither does it mention machine guns, computers, telephones, poor people, narcotics, banking, insurance, health care, education—-OR high powered A.R. 15 semi automatic rifles!

But we have law libraries full of court decisions that have ZERO TROUBLE declaring these matters “Constitutionally based.”

This draft takes us back 50 years. Women in Mississippi will die —penetrated by coat hangers—& women in Oregon will be treated as they are now.

If this opinion becomes law ROE & other privacy rights, will again be relitigated over the next 10 years—hundreds will die and thousands of unwanted pregnancies go to term.

The Constitution doesn’t mention Black people brown people Asian people or Eskimos. We have reached CONSTITUTIONAL agreement over the last 250 years: that people are people and rights are accorded to all, regardless of their sex, race or ethnicity.

SO…Constitutional application is supposed to shift over time.

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