
Sunday, November 21, 2021

North American Angry Anglo** Male* (NAAAM)


Your Author:  LIBERAL DEMOCRAT. Snowflake w/concealed carry. Buddhist. Taoist, USMC Vietnam ‘68, BBA University of Miami, J.D., FSU Law; long distance motorcycling, health, vegetarian, journal, sketch, read, photography, martial arts/ ICHF Black Belt 1 Dan

The ubiquitous, generally unskilled, non-college / never-read-a-book, reads-at-4th-grade-level, North American Angry Anglo Male* (NAAAM) has been a major character throughout US history. This unfortunately continues to be the case. 

Nowadays…..Prancing about with baseless dogma….pretending to be actual combat veterans (those that were in the military at ALL likely spent their service time changing tires), ever-present guns, beer-bellies, neck-tats, bicycle-chain jewelry, wearing skirts, brandishing firearms and spouting comical, low-brow right-wing twaddle… they are funny, dangerous & sad. 

Tearfully moaning about keeping oaths & being ‘proud’, NAAAM* wreck havoc upon women, non-whites, non-Protestant ‘christians’, immigrants, AND denigrate social activism, dismiss academics, scientists, & established institutions. Active contempt for the well-read, sophisticated/  educated population.

The NAAAM* gave the country slavery, promoted ‘obvious’ superior rights of males, “christians “, & whites generally. In an orgy of death, brutality & armed force, he denigrated & eventually annihilated the entire Native American population —-including the sport, senseless slaughtering of millions of bison, massacuring them from horseback or trains, leaving them in huge piles of rotting carcasses. Eventually starving the Native hunters— then, in due course, taking their land. 

The NAAAM* bring us restrictive, male-dominated, belligerent religious dogma. Angry white slavers ginned up the white underclass & gave them guns, creating an army. Then, NAAAM* orchestrated a massively stupidly destructive and deadly civil war (primarily to keep southern agriculture making money on the backs of unpaid human slaves). Then they gave us Jim Crow laws. 

They have perverted the concept, purpose and Constitutional implications of deadly firearms & explosives. In perverting / preventing meaningful gun regulation, they have helped forge a nation awash in deadly firearms, where 100 people a day are killed, mass shootings are commonplace —-and everyone who can chew gum and walk is welcome to buy and carry semi-automatic firepower. We have several million more firearms in circulation than we have people. 

NAAAM* openly threaten against voting rights in general, dumbly support white-Protestant gerrymandering, hinder ballot access, as well as women’s professional, educational economic opportunity rights.  Their noise helps forge policy and law to control women’s reproductive rights. Women who fail to adhere to the ‘Handmaids Tale’ dogma of the angry white-male are denigrated, marginalized and classified as suspicious socialist slags. Educated men who laugh at them are labeled as weak snowflakes, or socialist godless monsters. 

Uneducated white-male anger fuels aggressive foreign policy, bellicose world class stupidity, denial of global interconnection, bullying & bungling by Trump, and keeps us all in danger. The NAAAM* supported the election of a mentally-ill dysfunctional psychopathic loon as president. The North American Angry White Male ?~~that’s who organized, supported, populated and directly fueled/ carried out the deadly January 6 insurrection at the Capitol. 

*NAAAM is a shorthand. The NAAAM group obviously contains non-Anglos, some hapless women, confused & frightened people of color and the odd Muslim or Jew, one supposes. Who can ever understand why there is a strata of population that joins & worships the group that hates them? Streets with women cheering candidates who want them kept as essentially property & subservient labor? Who can say?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Now that they have been identified....we need to figure out how best to combat them. I mean, obvi, "yes naaam" or "no naaam" isn't working :).