
Saturday, June 25, 2016


Did you ever consider national candidates, or REALLY wealthy peeps,—and the view of life they must have, when they don’t have to do ANY of the regular, normal stuff, that the rest of us do? 

Some of them haven't even driven a car for years?? They don’t feed their own pets, probably. They don’t get late notices from Talquin Electric, because they forgot to pay them. They don’t have mole problems, or fire ants, or mold on their camping equipment. 

How can you exist like this and really know what people are thinking and feeling? 

What if Donald Trump spent his afternoon, like I did? How would Donald sound if today he completed this list:

1. Mow lawn. Mower doesn't start. Screw around w mower. Start it and mow.

2. Sweat and run into branches and get bitten by ants for an hour.

3. Weed-eat around coral rock; line wears fast; feed line manually.

a. Swear to never buy cheap Chinese crap again.

4. Notice that moles are destroying a large section of front lawn area.
a. Consider buying mole traps or getting a cat.

5. Notice that ant bites from earlier sting and itch; go get hedge clippers.

6. Clip two sets of hedges, sweating another 20 minutes; find three monstrous ant piles.

7. Discover you are out of ant nest poison.

8. Mail comes. Out of an entire box full, only one envelope gets any more than tossed.

a. Did I REALLY forget to pay Talquin Electric?

9. Realize you drank your last non-alcoholic beer last night. You are out of onions.

10. Your dog, who was wandering around innocently, is being repatriated by neighbor.

a. The hapless dog is being accused of defecating in neighbors yard

b. Resist the temptation to tell your dog to bite neighbor in face.


Unknown said...

Male human urine poured into the mole holes will push them into your asshole neighbor's yard....

Unknown said...

Male human urine poured into the mole holes will push them into your asshole neighbor's yard....