
Monday, October 21, 2013


Since like, 1994, I have fought the battle of Moronia with the Wing-nutted American Dipshit Christians. Since they actually IMPEACHED Clinton, and ground his office to a halt over less action than most other presidents have routinely gotten, on any given weekend. Even one of the main Inquisitor Accusers of Clinton, Gingrich, was--at the time, pumping some chick in the mouth, while his wife was in the hospital or something.

I watched Ken Starr drivel I to the whole mystery of Clinton, shamelessly cracking open silly little things they did or didn't do, 20 years before, in a showboat to hell, all of which amounted to not a freaking thing. Is that asshole dead or paralyzed in a nursing home? One can only hope.

I've suffered their Christian nonsense. Listened to their conspiracy theories. Exposed their stupidity. Called them on their lies. Belittled them. Debated them. They are always and routinely wrong and crazy. But they keep on...rising again and again, to play to the bottom 30% of the population! who are low information zeroids ! and will believe anything if you have a parade, pray to Jesus, and wave the flag as you do it.

I even remember them during Vietnam, loudly proclaiming the domino theory, the need for America to stop the Commies, the 60 people a day we killed, adding up to hundreds of thousands, maybe millions (yes, the enemy are people too)-- still they keep on.

I'm a little worn out.

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