
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Asshole of the Day! And WELL PLAYED!!

“I want to be clear, you are a Muslim,” Green began. “So why did you write a book about the founder of Christianity?”

Lauren Green, FOX.... OMG, it's hilarious. 

FOX NEWS RELIGION CORRESPONDENT , Lauren Green, (translate, someone who knows little about anything, except fundamental Christianity) actually has an interview with a quadruple doctorate, comparative religion professor and demanded to understand why someone who is a Muslim would write a book about Christianity.

ignoring the fact that Fundamentalist Christians see fit to do this all the time, she was u fazed as he explained, matter of factly, that teaching and studying comparative religion was his job. He also noted, leaving her unfazed, that one of his areas of speciality was the Christian New Testament.

truly, a woman deserving of ASSHOLE OF THE DAY, and an icon of how incredibly useless this popular news outlet is.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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